I am very aware that over the years my art has undergone many changes, transitions and even name changes. Talk about confusing people! But my thoughts, my attitudes, my beliefs and my spiritual connectivity, shall we say, to my art have shifted over time. But one thing that remains essentially a constant is the general philosophy and ethos behind my art. The idea that alternative dimensions, spaces, even Universes might exist beyond our current level of understanding. And that is pretty much the driving force behind my creations. However, there is one aspect that has pretty much eluded me over the years. And that is my deeper understanding of what makes my art tick. What is it really all about? What does it all mean? I would say that my art is pretty much hard to define as I don't fit into any box. But why should I? I don't conform to any "rules" in how I go about creating my art. I am not a traditional artist by any means, I don't do social commentary etc and I am not motivated by current trends in the art world. This could of course have a detrimental effect on any attempt to bring my art to a wider audience. I am aware that many people won't "understand" my art. But that's fine. I am not worried by that. Therefore I guess you could describe my art as esoteric. But that's merely a label. If I were to think of more labels to put on my art (for promotional purposes) then I could say something like: "mystical", "magical", "psychedelic", "other-worldly" etc. Perhaps these terms make it easier for people to relate to my art. So in that sense, I relate more to "visionary" or even "metaphysical". Perhaps visionary is easier to define. People will more likely understand that term. But in truth, I am just an artist. I create what comes naturally to me. I am not a label person! Earlier I used the term "metaphysical". This word is hard to define. Complex even. But one very nice descriptive term I found while researching the meaning is: "Of or relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses". Eureka! Have I found a great descriptive term for my art? Does it hint at what I am all about? Could I rephrase that and say: 'My art transcends to a pseudo-reality, creating worlds that might exist beyond our normal senses and our current level of understanding'?
So with all of that in mind...... Visionary or metaphysical - meaning a bold idea, dream, vision, above, beyond, transcend. So my visionary (or metaphysical) worlds could be described as a space, dimension or dimensions, a Universe that exists or may exist beyond our reality or physical plane of current existence. Perhaps even beyond space time as we know it. This is all speculation of course but an idea that I have long held a fascination for. Therefore in all of this speculation and mystery, it is most probable that, given their existence, the laws of physics and nature operate on a completely different level. One can only imagine what these worlds could look like. This is where I come in. In my work, I don't lay claim that what I create really exists, but my imagination and visionary attitudes are guided by these ideas and beliefs, guided by the metaphysical universe. Ans so the journey continues. There is much to left to explore. I will keep looking beyond. And once I have "discovered a new world", you'll see it here. I am just an artist......